
Comment history with Jesabellee


Displaying 1 - 20 of 25 comments

aaha hiiiaa :] xxo

Posted by xUntamed on Feb 12, 09 6:54 pm

geet on msn btww im not goin on thiss acc no morezz its fukkin borin but im probs making a new acc wif my myspace lyts and shite lyk datt loolssss nyway byee xoxx sandiiieeeeeeeeā™„

Posted by xUntamed on Jan 23, 09 2:04 pm

heyy sweeto. been a while since you calledd...hows things goin? things have been quite shitty for me tbh bout to take a fuckin gun out lmao...call mee love sandie

Posted by xUntamed on Jan 10, 09 10:18 pm

i love you xox

Posted by xUntamed on Dec 4, 08 2:08 pm

ehh fukk tha teacherss nd kidds jesaa :p
u know ur amazinnnnnnnn Ox

Posted by xUntamed on Nov 11, 08 5:10 pm

Hey Sandra. What I've been up to? Well, life's been OK. School's a fucking pain in the ass. My teachers are fucking assholes. And I hate it in Manchester. I want to move back to London. Every single person at my new school is a bunch of slags or emo cunts. There's only like 15 normal people at my school. And I have like 9 friends. But whatever. Teacher-wise...Well my teachers are just plain Arse lickers!

Was that comment long enough? No? Okay...-thinks what to write-
OMG, I know. Fucking Americans get the day off. ARSE LICKERS LOL. Hmm, Sandra why the hell are you up on a Monday night at midnight for on freaking CREATEBLOG if your tired? I'm only up because I'm not tired a bit. I'm probably going to skip school tomorrow. I'm probably going to play "sick" on my mum, LMFAO. How terrible am I? Who gives a fuck if it affects my grades in school, I have all high scores in my classes. Eh fuck it, I am not going to school tomorrow.

Anyways, I'm done rambling about random shit to you. I hope it was a long enough comment for you like you asked. I'll give you a call tomorrow night to fill you in, because createblog is NOT the proper way to talk.


Posted by Jesabellee on Nov 10, 08 7:42 pm

hey jesabelle, its sandie akourse. erm, just saying hey. i re did some of my cb layout, i'm simply bored as fuck haha. erm, wbk babe. =D i'm feeling happyy! except i have to go to bed soon. school tomorrowwww . ahh sh*tty americans get tomorrow off. luckiess. :( soo sleepy. but i dont want to go to bed. hmm..write me a note okay? a long note. i like em. tell me what lifes been up to with you = ) love_sandie x

Posted by xUntamed on Nov 10, 08 7:34 pm

Kinda figured you would sell it once in a while...
Who are you giving your page to? Tasha, or Zaineb?

By the way, cute layout. SO true the banner, LOL.
So, I'll catch you up on my life.

Ella...well, you were right. She's a BITCH! Oh well, I have a new friend, named, Jessica, and also her sister Jenna is hanging around me. Her sister is annoying as HELL though, LOL.


Posted by Jesabellee on Oct 23, 08 7:41 pm

hey bitch x
i'm selling my bebo, its getting FUCKED UP..lol

havent left u a comment babes in a while.
talk later x

Posted by xUntamed on Oct 23, 08 7:36 pm

bitchy muchhh?

Posted by xUntamed on Oct 16, 08 7:28 pm

OMG, you did it!

You changed your layout :) OMG you are amazing at making layouts.
Now your layout is officialy better than mine.

but... one thing. I don't know if I'm capitializing my words because of the text in the commentbox.

Oh well.
anyway, I'm being friends with Ella because she's got a great sense of humour.
So stop trying to get me away from my new friends. She was kidding about the lez part. OK? don't worry sandra, I know what I'm doing. you take things too seriously.


Posted by Jesabellee on Oct 11, 08 12:40 pm

umm ok?? O.o
i dont cre if your friend thinks your a lesbian. real friends [[LIKE ME]] know your NOT a lesbian. why do you want to be friends who are like that?

sandie x

Posted by xUntamed on Oct 11, 08 12:24 pm

Ella gave me a new nickname. [Ella=new best friend whom I talked to you about on the phone on Monday] My nickname is Lesbell. XD I thought it was fucking hilarious, because LESbianBELL sounds like JESaBELLe. It's retarded, I know, but DAMN it was funny.

OMG, have you realized lately that everyone does this heart?:

Posted by Jesabellee on Sep 25, 08 7:36 pm

OMG, I know. We haven't talked in well long. LOL, yeah, I don't want to log into Myspace either...in fact I have been on Myspace since late July. It's been pure SHIT since Tom fucked with the layout coding. So, I can't imagine what my "TOOK-FOREVER-BEST-LAYOUT-EVE R" looks like...gah! Why do they need to fuck with the coding anyway! Ugh!

So, update on ME?
Well, since I moved to Manchester, I FUCKIN' HATE IT! My new school is a piece of shit, with trailer park trash and slutty bitches. I wish I was back in London

Posted by Jesabellee on Sep 10, 08 6:25 pm


how lovely. Anehway, omfg, I've been busy as fuck. I'm scared to go on bebo lmfao coz I'll probably have to reply to 20,000 comments and updatee. I dont wannnnnnaaa updatee! i'm out of the 'editing mood' which is unusual for me -- xD

Enough bout me, tell wats up with your betch ass, (:

xoxo sandiee xx

Posted by xUntamed on Sep 10, 08 6:19 pm

um ok

Posted by xUntamed on Aug 17, 08 12:59 pm

Boo.You.Whoreee. XD

Posted by xUntamed on Jul 21, 08 8:57 pm

Sorry for double-posting, but I forgot to tell you something.

You know John, right? He's the lad from the supermarket. He asked me on a date! LOL! He was a total fucktard about it too. He was like: Hi Jesabelle. Uh, do you, um, want to you know? Like, hang out?
And then I was quiet, but he broke the silence and said: I'm not going to rape you!
Then I walked away. I was disgusted at him. For one, he didn't need to say that. You shouldn't say that when you just ask a girl on a date. I mean, what the fuck? "I'm not going to rape you," what the hell? That just gives me ideas...
Men, so unexpectable! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that.


Posted by Jesabellee on Jul 21, 08 11:07 am

O.K., BH-x is good. Not great, nor bad, but good. Although, I still do think that it will close.

I'm not saying it's bad, although, as of you're not too popular, I doubt you will keep it open. You'll probably keep it open for 3 months tops; just writing stuff about your day that people aren't/will not read(ing). Your site isn't Swimchick or Saruna, Sandra. - I guess that all I can say is: good luck.

Have you seen Batman yet?


Posted by Jesabellee on Jul 21, 08 11:01 am

7:26 PM, July 16, 08

Sandra, why the hell do you have such a crappy layout?
My layout is better than yours. Mine is colorful; while yours is just...black.

I'm so tired of going on your profile and seeing crap. Make a new layout and I won't keep spamming you with all these kinds of comments. :)


Posted by Jesabellee on Jul 16, 08 7:29 pm
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  • 16 years old